‘We see you’: Lindiwe Sisulu gains support from alleged riot instigator


Lindiwe Sisulu has earned herself some new fans this week – including Jacob Zuma’s daughter Duduzile, who has been accused of inciting riots.

Lindiwe Sisulu’s vicious critique of the Constitution and rule of law in South Africa has drawn a line firmly in the sand. The previous presidential hopeful is now courting the pro-Zuma faction of the ANC, and one alleged riot instigator in particular has taken a shine to the tourism minister.

Who is alleged riot instigator Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla?

Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla, the daughter of former President Jacob Zuma, is no stranger to controversy. For the past six months, she has been an active cheerleader of violence and anarchy in Mzansi – using her ‘we see you’ Tweets.

It’s alleged that DZS has played her part in instigating riots and unrest across the country, via her large social media following. However, she has never been charged or investigated by police.

Lindiwe Sisulu has herself a new fan

Nonetheless, Duduzile remains a highly controversial figure – and it speaks volumes for Lindiwe Sisulu that she now has her backing. The ANC veteran’s public spat with Raymond Zondo has also endeared her to ‘RET forces’ – and Zuma-Sambudla has been fawning over the outspoken politician.


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