PPS deducts double debit orders


PPS deducts double debit orders

Members of Professional Provident Security (PPS) got a nasty surprise on Tuesday when their monthly debit orders were deducted twice.

One PPS member told MyBroadband his debit order of R2,789 was duplicated, resulting in his banking account balance being overdrawn.

The impact of the duplication was made even worse by the fact that PPS had implemented its annual adjustment to premiums from January.

The company sent an SMS to some impacted members on Tuesday morning in which PPS group executive for life operations, Kumeshnie Govender, apologised for the error and assured the incorrectly deducted amount would be refunded within two days.

“Dear [PPS member’s name], due to a technical error, your January 2022 PPS Premium was duplicated,” Govender said. “The duplicated amount will be refunded into your bank account within 48 hours.”

“We understand the inconvenience this has caused you and sincerely apologise,” Govender added.

The financial services provider offers its products exclusively to graduate professionals with an honours-level or higher qualification.

Its product portfolio includes investment accounts, life insurance and sickness, critical illness, and disability cover, in addition to vehicle and home insurance.

PPS made headlines in March 2021 after suffering a cyber attack that disrupted its online services for several weeks.

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