Frozen mini cheesecakes – Ice cold and decadent for a hot day


These frozen mini cheesecakes give you the best combination of all your favourite desserts.

Trying to cool down in the blazing heat? Prepare these frozen mini cheesecakes and enjoy these ice-cold treats on a warm summer’s day. These frozen mini cheesecakes are simply divine.

Preparing these cold bites involved quite a process so make sure you have enough time on hands. But the result is worth every minute spent in the kitchen. These dainty desserts need to be frozen overnight, so make sure you monitor the weather forecast so you can prepare them in time for a hot summer’s day.

Who does not love cheesecake? This dessert gives you the best combination of all your favourite desserts. It is a blend of creamy cheesecake and strawberry jelly frozen to a cold delicacy.

Serve these frozen mini cheesecakes on their own, or with ice cream, or as a beautiful topping on any dessert.  They are quite addictive, so make sure you prepare enough! Let us know in the comments of this recipe if you have prepared these delicious bites to cool down.

Looking for more frozen dessert recipes to prepare for the hot summer months? We have excellent suggestions for you to try, just check out our recipes.

If you would like to submit a recipe for publication, please complete our recipe form here.


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