China Mobile International hosts mCloud Carnival 2021


China Mobile International (CMI) is hosting its Go mCloud Carnival from November 2021 until 31 January 31 2022 to help international enterprises embrace and accelerate digital success in the cloud era.

Now in its second year, the much-anticipated event showcases the latest cloud-network solutions and multi-cloud services, and supports enterprise transformation through the sharing of industry trends, developments, and best-value offers.

Interest in cloud adoption is surging worldwide as enterprises adapt their business models to take advantage of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G.

Riding on an extensive global infrastructure and partnerships with industry-leading cloud service providers, CMI Cloud Network Solutions (CMICN) integrate network capability and cloud services to provide enterprise customers with technical and commercial flexibility.

Fast and seamless cloud connections, as well as application acceleration, are provided to customers via more than 80 Cloud Connect PoPs and more than 160 direct network-to-network interfaces (NNIs)

Expansive partner ecosystem enables efficient multi-cloud models

Recent research suggests that over 92% of enterprises are adopting multi-cloud strategies to save costs, optimize the performance of their mission-critical applications, and enhance their flexibility, resilience, and competitiveness.

However, multi-cloud plans that rely on a variety of cloud platforms and locations are very complex to execute, and as a result, many enterprises see the value of a partner that can provide a one-stop-shop cloud-integration service – such as mCloud Portal.

mCloud Portal is an innovative platform designed for enterprises that use or are planning to use cloud solutions.

It combines an extensive cloud partner ecosystem with advanced managed services and an easy-to-use online portal to create a vendor-neutral, complete cloud deployment solution.

mCloud Portal has helped more than 17,000 enterprise users accelerate their cloud journey since its launch in May 2019, and this has been supported by CMI’s close collaboration with world-leading cloud service providers.

These include AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Cloud Engine, Google Cloud, Huawei Cloud, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, Tencent Cloud and UCloud.

With automated and intelligent cloudified products, mCloud can reduce cloud deployment time from as much as two months to as little as 30 seconds, and it also makes ongoing cloud-network management more efficient and effective.

Special offers and free trials provide access to cloud-network solutions

CMI has curated a series of special solution offers and free trials that will be made available during Go mCloud Carnival to help enterprises explore a variety of cloud products and services:

1.Enterprise customers that sign up on the mCloud Carnival site are entitled to multi-cloud service coupons worth up to USD 1,400:

  • USD 1,400 multi-cloud service coupons are applicable to Alibaba Cloud (International), AWS (Global), Microsoft Azure (Global), HUAWEI CLOUD (International), and Tencent Cloud
  • USD 1,000 multi-cloud service coupons are applicable to Baidu Cloud, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud

2. A series of cloud-network solution free trials are available for enterprises to enjoy:

  • Max. 60-day for Cloud Connect, SD-WAN, and Application Acceleration Network
  • Max. 60-day for SaaS Applications, including productivity software, security applications, cloud backup, multi-cloud management, and more
  • Up to 10,000 A2P CloudSMS Free Trials with extensive coverage across Asia, Europe, and the Americas

3. Customers who verify their business, activate a free trial, or order services on mCloud portal will be eligible to enter a lucky draw for exciting tech prizes:

  • Prizes include smartphones, tablets, action cameras, and game consoles
  • Prizes are worth from HKD 600 – HKD 9,000

In addition, new registered users can claim a welcome gift such as smartphone app store gift cards and coffee coupons, subject to the selected regions / cities.

Click here to join Go mCloud Carnival.

*The information presented here is a general overview, for reference only. For details of special offers, please refer to the mCloud website. For full terms and conditions, please refer to the policy contract.


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