A Domestic December – It’s not a month, it’s a lifestyle!


December 2021, who would have thought we would make it. The longest shortest year of our lives is coming to an end. With the sudden discovery of the Omicron Variant and South Africa being placed on the Red List for many countries around the world. This is the moment we have been waiting for, the opportunity to explore our gorgeous South Africa and the beauty we sometimes forget we live in.

We as pawrents and animal lovers tend to forget just how “dog friendly” our South African nation is becoming. With new-age families opting for fur babies before human babies we are constantly seeking adventures to include our fur kids. We now have pet-friendly restaurants, coffee shops, walking and hiking trails, parks, wine farms, accommodation and so much more!

This is the time to support local, whether it be your local Spaza shop, your local watering hole aka pub or that B&B you have been dying to go to but just never had the chance! PETport is here to support you and assist you and your fur family’s travels during his December period.


If you and your family are planning on hitting the coast or exploring the bush, but you are dreading sorting out your Fur Kid’s travels, this is why you have PETport. We have been specializing in domestic travel for decades! Flights, have and will always be our preferred medium for transporting Fur Babies. Not only are flights cheaper than road travel but they are shorter, with less stress on Fur Babies. With branches in all major cities, PETport is here to assist with all your vacation needs during the December period.

Important Tips to consider:

  • Latest vet books are needed!
  • Annual vaccinations older than 14 days and less than a year!
  • We provide the travel crates so don’t you worry!
  • We can assist with door-to-door relocations.
  • Remember flights do not take bookings within 48 hours of departure so make sure to contact our team in advance and plan accordingly.
  • If your Fur baby is overly anxious provide a t-shirt that smells like their favorite person, we’ll administer CalmeZe and handle the rest!


If you and your family are thinking of road tripping around South Africa, of course, you can include your Fur kid. Bonding with the family and car rides are the absolute BEST! When planning a road trip with the humans and the fur kids consider the space, safety and smoothness of the trip for everyone’s care. If you are planning 1000 kms of dirt road maybe it would be better to find the fur kids a resort for the holidays. If your fur kid is the size of a lion and you only have a Tazz, maybe it’s better for Simba to chill with Grandma and Grandpa like they have been begging. Consider everyone in the vehicle’s safety, space allocation and the smoothness of the trip for your own mental sanity.

Important Tips to consider:

  • Vet books and annual vaccinations.
  • Lots of water for the trip and a light meal 3 hours before travel.
  • No new snacks or treats, you don’t want to sample a new milky treat and risk an upset stomach.
  • Plenty of stops along the way for Fur Baby to stretch legs and relieve themselves!
  • Pet friendly Petrol Stations are the new in thing and plenty to find along your route.
  • Lots of cool air, DO NOT KEEP THE WINDOWS CLOSED and AIRCON OFF during the trip unless it pouring with rain, in which case you should still keep the aircon on for fresh air.
  • Do not leave fur baby in the car, rather consider having family stay behind while others run into shops.
  • Create a safe space for Fur baby that is their special place in the car.
  • Have a medical kit on hand for the entire family.

Remember South Africa, stay safe, keep your space and take things smooth this December. Thinking about travelling internationally, domestically or importing your fur family back to South Africa? PETport is here to help! Contact our team for all your Fur Babies travels and needs!

WhatsApp – 063 971 6547
Email – info@petport.co.za
CPT – 021 824 5288
JHB – 011 967 6397


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