Prison Journalism: Easter weekend holidays


Wesley Leong was incarcerated at the age of 15 in 1996 at Pollsmoor Prison. He is currently part of Restore’s research and reintegration project.

Easter will always be remembered best when I was younger, like most of us we definitely enjoyed these holidays. Chocolate and Easter eggs, what a joy that was. Then there was Easter inside prison, nothing to write home about; seriously, it was just another day. Not even the fish was made any different. I always understood these holidays to be remembered as a special time when Christ was crucified at Golgotha and rose to life again!

Remembering why we celebrate Easter

Over these holidays, a lot of religious groups gather and prepare meals in thanksgiving to God for sending His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and that His blood that was shed was to pay for all our sins. He also showed His might and power by bringing His Son back from the dead.

Time with family to remember Easter

We always had a special family gathering over the Easter weekend and came together and spent it together. It was tradition, so you never missed a holiday. Seeing cousins and uncles, aunts reminded me how truly special family was and how beautiful it was those special times! Food was in total abundance, and we always shared a feast, love you felt was the ultimate thing I cherished back then.

Spending Easter inside prison, compared to Easter 2024

After the passing of my mother in 2019, then my elder brother and sister passing the following year, family spending Easter with me is a sad memory. I also remember how sad it was when I was in prison. Really, it hit home when you realize that you will not be spending it with them, then the next year too. As for the next seven years, I was not at Easter family gatherings. It became a part of my destiny to only have the memories of those special times. Compared to outside to this day, I have to be honest that it was just like when I was in prison. Family all gone.

Taking it in my stride every time

Basically, I had no immediate family left, most have passed on and the few that are still alive and well have forgotten I even existed to them. My own fault for bringing shame to my family, so I was regarded as dead to them all. I miss you guys, all of you. I pray that we may all be reunited in the future to come or even in the afterlife.

We as ex-offenders need this in our lives to recover; it helps us to feel a balance and perhaps a sense of good. So as I spent my Easter remembering what historical events took place for all humankind, I cherish the times I get to spend with all that is in my life today. You guys are all my family, and I appreciate you!

Have a wonderful and safe holiday this Easter and give acknowledgement to our Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ.

DISCLAIMER: Submission published as received

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RESTORE is an NGO based in Cape Town, South Africa, providing inmates at Pollsmoor Prison with restorative justice opportunities.

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