Embassy and South African Tourism Host ITB Registration


Botschaft, Topnews, Tourismus

15. März 2014


On the evening before the Internationale Tourismus Börse (ITB), one of the largest tourism fairs in the world, opened its doors, the exhibitors from South Africa were welcomed at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, on South African soil in Berlin. Ambassador Stofile, as well as Tourism Minister van Schalkwyk greeted the exhibitors and wished them a successful fair after a very flourishing year for tourism in South Africa, especially when it comes to visitors from Germany. Minister van Schalkwyk said that “since 1994, German arrivals to South Africa have grown from a total of 105 000 to over 266 000 tourists in 2012, representing a growth of 153% in less than 20 years. Importantly in 2012, we recorded more German tourists to South Africa than ever before.”

As South Africa celebrates 20 years of freedom this year, Minister Van Schalkwyk thanked the trade show and media for their ongoing support and contribution to the continued good growth in arrivals from this all-important market. He said: “Germany is our third-largest source of overseas tourists. It’s been an incredible journey in which South Africa has emerged from a wildlife destination, serving primarily a domestic market, to one of the most visible, exciting, culturally diverse and varied global tourist destinations in the world today”. In total, nearly 50 companies were represented on the South African Tourism stand at this year’s ITB event.


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