The $2.35 ALDI Find I Buy Whenever I’m Sick
Along with sick-day essentials like tissues and medicine, I always pick up this soothing drink at ALDI’s at a fraction of the price of other brands.

When I’m starting to feel sick, I know I have to quickly stock up on items from ALDI to prepare, including the usual essentials like tissues, applesauce, and over-the-counter fever reducers. In the last few years, there's been one surprising addition to this list: kombucha.
Why I Love ALDI’s VitaLife Organic Kombucha
ALDI’s VitaLife Organic Kombucha has become an essential item for me when I’m sick. Thanks to the ginger flavor and fizziness, the drink soothes my nausea and the general achy feeling that I find to be the worst part of being sick. Though I still include tea in my rotation since it’s better for a sore throat, I feel more symptom relief overall drinking kombucha than tea or other common sick-day drinks like ginger ale.
The kombucha comes in two flavors: Ginger Nirvana, their straight ginger flavor, and Berry Nirvana, a berry-ginger combo. Unlike name-brand kombuchas that can set you back upwards of $5 or $6, ALDI’s version is priced at just over $2, making it much more affordable to stock up on a few at a time.

Kombucha is an acquired taste—just like matcha, another trendy drink of the last few years. The fermented tea boasts a zingy carbonation and vinegary tartness that can take some getting used to. Most store-bought kombuchas are sweet from added fruit juices and come in different flavors that suit different palates.
I typically drink a bottle of kombucha a day when I’m sick. If I’m feeling extremely ill, I’ll have two. While I primarily buy kombucha to help when I have a cold or ear infection, I also sometimes buy it to enjoy as a refreshing everyday drink.
If you’re new to kombucha or just like a milder flavor, I recommend trying ALDI’s Berry Nirvana, which has a more fruity taste. It’s normal for the ingredients in the kombucha, which requires refrigeration, to separate. While it may be tempting to shake the bottle to recombine them, once you open the bottle, it’ll explode like a shaken-up soda. Instead, I recommend gently tipping the glass bottle upside down, then slowly bringing it back right side up to remix the ingredients.
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