Paris AI summit: 'Zero signatories' from Big Tech on copyright charter

One of the hoped outcomes of the AI summit which would be held in Paris on February 10-11 is a charter on copyright, a contentious issue that many creators have raised with the spread of AI technology, FRANCE 24 Technology Editor Peter O'Brien said. Aimed at protecting “all that work that is scraped by these artificial intelligence models from the internet before they reproduce similar stuff”, the charter is currently being signed by a number of publishers but so far, there are “zero signatories from Big Tech or AI companies”, he added.

Paris AI summit: 'Zero signatories' from Big Tech on copyright charter
One of the hoped outcomes of the AI summit which would be held in Paris on February 10-11 is a charter on copyright, a contentious issue that many creators have raised with the spread of AI technology, FRANCE 24 Technology Editor Peter O'Brien said. Aimed at protecting “all that work that is scraped by these artificial intelligence models from the internet before they reproduce similar stuff”, the charter is currently being signed by a number of publishers but so far, there are “zero signatories from Big Tech or AI companies”, he added.