Mauritius lifts travel ban on South Africa


The island nation of Mauritius has lifted its travel ban on South Africa as fears of the Omicron variant and its spread begin to wane.

In a statement, the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) said the Covid-19 travel ban imposed by Mauritius on South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe will be lifted from Friday (7 January) 2022, with commercial travel between the countries permitted to resume.

“We are very pleased that South Africans can once again travel to Mauritius. The Covid-19 has placed significant pressure on all nations to do the right thing and we thank South Africans and the South African travel industry for their patience in this regard,” said Arvind Bundhun, director of the MTPA.

Bundhun added that the Mauritian health authorities continue to implement a wide range of Covid-19 responses and are prioritising the rollout of booster doses for those who are already double vaccinated. The vaccination of 15 to 18-year-old is also well underway.

The health authorities remain confident in their ability to manage the recent increase in infection rates and will continue to follow world-leading scientific advice in this regard, he said.

“Sanitary protocols throughout the Mauritius hospitality industry remain at the very highest standards, ensuring that the local community and international guests are afforded maximum protection from the virus. Visitors can book holidays to Mauritius with a high degree of confidence that their trips will be enjoyable, safe, and secure,” said Arvind.

Mauritius follows France, Germany, and the US in announcing eased travel restrictions on South Africa.

Read: South Africa to get an ‘extra’ public holiday in 2022


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