Kurt en Shura | e.tv


If you like historical shows with elaborate costumes, a passionate love story, and a Lot of melodrama, then this series is just for you.

Kurt Seyit & Shura is a period drama about the adventures of two people in love, who broke away from their magnificent lives in Russia and were dragged away to Istanbul.

The journey of Kurt Seyit, a lieutenant from Crimea, and Shura, the beautiful daughter of a noble Russian family from the days of magnificence to the Carpathian front line, from the riots to revolution, from Alushta to occupied Istanbul, to Pera in the 1920’s, is in a sense the journey of their love.

With a periodic drama plot that plays out across Russia, Ukraine and Turkey, this true international drama magnetizes audiences around the world.

A Turkish officer and the daughter of Russian nobles fall in love and must deal with poverty, family pressure, and societal expectations.

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