Kelders Van Geheime |


One doesn’t have to look to the mountains for help in this neck of the woods! Rijk Nel (Marcel van Heerden) is the Marais family’s accountant, while Dewald Piedt (Abduragman Adams) is their trusty.

lawyer. Mercy (Tyral-Lee Miggels), Gabby (Karli Heine), Jason (Ben Albertyn), en Armand (Robert Hindley) are the waiters that keep clients happy. Stil Piet (Jurgen Mcewan), Bismarck (Lorenzo Syster), Napoleon (Ivan Abrahams), en Nicodemus (Jason van Wyk) are some of the workers on the industrious farm. In one of many surprising turn of events Brümilda van Rensburg also visits the farm.’s First locally produced Afrikaans daily drama Kelders van Geheime. Premieres Monday 6 May at 6PM on 


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