EU enlargement put to the test: Georgia, Moldova votes shake Brussels

The EU likes to underline that enlargement towards the east is a security priority. And indeed, since the war in Ukraine started, accession negotiations have begun with several countries, most of them in the Balkans. But in a shock referendum result, barely over 50 percent of voters in Moldova said Yes to pro-EU constitutional changes. And in another shock for Brussels, Georgian Dream beat the staunchly pro-European opposition in the parliamentary election in Georgia; a vote whose integrity the EU has called into question.

EU enlargement put to the test: Georgia, Moldova votes shake Brussels
The EU likes to underline that enlargement towards the east is a security priority. And indeed, since the war in Ukraine started, accession negotiations have begun with several countries, most of them in the Balkans. But in a shock referendum result, barely over 50 percent of voters in Moldova said Yes to pro-EU constitutional changes. And in another shock for Brussels, Georgian Dream beat the staunchly pro-European opposition in the parliamentary election in Georgia; a vote whose integrity the EU has called into question.