Kenya: Police fire tear gas as protests resume, death toll hits 39


Police in Kenya have fired tear gas to disperse protesters as they returned to the streets of Nairobi and Mombasa on Tuesday.

The protests have disrupted services and businesses in these cities including Kisumu. So far the death tool has risen to 39 based on figures released by the human rights groups.

The demonstrators are demanding President William Ruto to step down although he has dropped the proposed tax increases.

He has also bowed to pressure from the demonstrators to scrapp the offices of the first and second ladies.

Cars can be seen burning amid chaotic scenes in Mombasa as protesters clash with police.

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Reports say the clashes in Nairobi have forced magistrates to put off hearings at a court in the city.

Some shop-owners in the central business areas of Nairobi and Mombasa have hired vigilantes who are patrolling with clubs to guard against looting.

Since President Ruto came to power two years ago promising to revitalise the economy, Kenyans have been hit by a cost-of-living crisis with more taxes on salaries, fuel and on gross sales.

He has indicated that Kenya will borrow more after new taxes were withdrawn. The protesters set fire to Kenya’s parliament but also saved two MPs.

The state-funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) says most protesters were killed last Tuesday.

Kenya: Ruto bows to pressure, backs down on tax hikes after deadly unrest



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