How much data MTN customers use every month


MTN has provided an update on its financial performance for the third quarter of its 2021 financial year, showing a significant increase in data consumption and customers on its network in South Africa.

MTN South Africa recorded 57.2% higher data traffic on its network between July 2021 and September 2021 compared to the same period last year. Active Internet users also increased by 15.3%.

That resulted in an overall jump in mobile data revenue of 11.8% year on year.

The operator revealed that an active MTN prepaid data subscriber now consumes an average of approximately 2.5GB of data per month.

An active postpaid data subscriber uses more than four times that, at nearly 11.1GB per month.

The company said a 29.7% reduction in its effective data tariff was behind the increased data consumption among its customers.

Overall, MTN South Africa saw 4.7% service revenue growth in Q3 compared to the same period last year, bringing its total service revenue growth to 7.7% for the nine months ended September 2021.

The operator also added 849,000 more subscribers in South Africa during the last quarter, bringing its total tally to 33.5 million.

MTN said the largest increase was among prepaid subscribers, which climbed 552,000. It also recorded a substantial jump in 4G customers.

The postpaid subscriber base closed at 7.6 million, with about 300,000 subscribers added in the quarter.

MTN said this was aided by solid churn management, but there was some impact from store closures during July’s looting in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

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